Thursday, January 30, 2025

Tummy Grumbles


Dental Insurance, shmental insurance.

Dude, Neill, I just realized I have a ton of fucking art I can just plaster on here. It's like I outsourced it to myself. 

Back in the day, my only time to draw was at lunch, so I'd cram my face with calories while doodling for the blog. So it's sort of your fault that I'm fat. 

To be honest, I might have some grounds for legal recourse. Suffering and damages, or some shit. I don't know, all I know is you can bypass the years of courtroom drama if you sit and let me tell you about my District 9 Expanded Universe plan! Otherwise known as the D9U!

Phase 1 was...District 9. A pretty good Phase, but no where near the complexity of releases in Phase 2. 

Movies are on top. You'll notice they get very highbrow by the use of Roman Numerals in the title, which were what the Romans used as numbers. This signifies to the audience that this is something special, but it's a trick, because the movie is actual very fun and takes place in Japan.

TV shows are on bottom. I figure they'll air on some streaming service we have not come up with yet. Maybe, Blomkamp Plus, or H Blomkamp Max, we'll figure it out. 

Listen to me, 'we.' You haven't even approved my plan yet!

Any who, off to eat.

Doug "Always Hungry" Williams

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Baby God of the Dollah' Dollah'


"Gwah. Gwah."

Neill, what is up my brother? Here I am, making another blog post. I might start doing lots here...because social media is sort of a shit show lately and that's where I used to post a lot. I feel bad that I sort of abandoned this place, but blogs have been sort of out of fashion. 

Kids can't read this much shit. I want some of that sweet sweet influencer money! You going to get that with reading? Fuck no. But rebranding might work!

I thought about calling it 'Please Look at Me Neill Blomkamp: AI', because in business if you add 'AI' you get a billion dollars. It doesn't matter what the thing does or if it works. Just add AI and you get one billion dollars from investors. 

Maybe I can take one of these logos and add AI.

But, I like using my hands, my sexy sexy hangnail free hands. that's why I did the above piece lazily, with kit-bashed garbage in Sketchup, a cheap renderer and Photoshop, but still without AI.

The idea was this: 

In those days, the Corporate Presential Candidates created their own gods, as to not challenge the rules of previously existing faiths.

I've done this theme before, like a billion times. The only thing I like more in my art than a embryo, is a giant embryo covered in sponsorship. People say I am constantly drawing embryos and fetus things, but it's just not true, I have lots of other things I draw for fun.

Here's some other rando art from the last few months, just to prove it:


Uh...shit, well maybe I do have a fetus embryo problem...cause...that's a...fair amount.

Any who, that's the post. 

Doug "Embryoist" Williams.

PS- That's a lot of words...the kids are going to hate it. Sigh...I'll always be poor I guess. poorAI.