Saturday, January 25, 2025

Baby God of the Dollah' Dollah'


"Gwah. Gwah."

Neill, what is up my brother? Here I am, making another blog post. I might start doing lots here...because social media is sort of a shit show lately and that's where I used to post a lot. I feel bad that I sort of abandoned this place, but blogs have been sort of out of fashion. 

Kids can't read this much shit. I want some of that sweet sweet influencer money! You going to get that with reading? Fuck no. But rebranding might work!

I thought about calling it 'Please Look at Me Neill Blomkamp: AI', because in business if you add 'AI' you get a billion dollars. It doesn't matter what the thing does or if it works. Just add AI and you get one billion dollars from investors. 

Maybe I can take one of these logos and add AI.

But, I like using my hands, my sexy sexy hangnail free hands. that's why I did the above piece lazily, with kit-bashed garbage in Sketchup, a cheap renderer and Photoshop, but still without AI.

The idea was this: 

In those days, the Corporate Presential Candidates created their own gods, as to not challenge the rules of previously existing faiths.

I've done this theme before, like a billion times. The only thing I like more in my art than a embryo, is a giant embryo covered in sponsorship. People say I am constantly drawing embryos and fetus things, but it's just not true, I have lots of other things I draw for fun.

Here's some other rando art from the last few months, just to prove it:


Uh...shit, well maybe I do have a fetus embryo problem...cause...that's a...fair amount.

Any who, that's the post. 

Doug "Embryoist" Williams.

PS- That's a lot of words...the kids are going to hate it. Sigh...I'll always be poor I guess. poorAI. 


  1. Doug, been following your blog since 2011! I'm always exited to see it show up in the RSS reader.

    1. Ha ha! You must be insane!

      For reals, thank you! With all the craziness on the social platforms, I realized I miss posting on here.

      This blog was always meant to be goofy fun, it's wild how when I used to do shows (comic con) people would stop by saying they were fans.

      Looks like I missed my chance to be an influencer!
