Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Space Kidlets
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Tummy Grumbles
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Baby God of the Dollah' Dollah'
In those days, the Corporate Presential Candidates created their own gods, as to not challenge the rules of previously existing faiths.
I've done this theme before, like a billion times. The only thing I like more in my art than a embryo, is a giant embryo covered in sponsorship. People say I am constantly drawing embryos and fetus things, but it's just not true, I have lots of other things I draw for fun.
Here's some other rando art from the last few months, just to prove it:
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
I came up with the idea, so all I need from you is a few million dollars, just to get started. Let me know what you think and I'll set up the PO Box for the cash. IT HAS TO BE CASH.
Eagerly awaiting your reply!
Doug "Colour Me Green" Williams
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
What up?
What the fuck? I think I got Fire in the Sky'd. I seem to be missing a serious chunk of my brain.
What's been happening here? I'm guessing same old same old and not much has happened or changed. Probs just the same old world I left behind in 2019.
Whelp, maybe I'll post a bit more on here. Maybe not.
Douglas "I've been probed" Williams.
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Batman in Hell
Neill! What up? Here's a quick pic of the Joker, but a in hell version. A long time ago I had an idea for a Batman comic that had batman as a demon in hell. he was a thinking man's general kind of demon though. Questioning his fall and all that.
The he comes across this glowing blue fetus, (it's large) and somehow knows it's name is Dick Grayson and it doesn't belong. Then it's all about his trying to get the fetus out of hell.
The 90s and early 2000's were a special time for me idea wise. Of course...I never did anything with any of them.
Doug "all the ideas" Williams
Monday, February 4, 2019
Neill! What up, bro? I did some quick fun drawings over the weekend, so I'll have a few days worth of garbage to post here. Here's a quick picture from...The Terminator.
Just kidding, it's Robocop! I put a brain in Ed 209...like Cain in Robo 2. I love the simplicity of Ed 209.
Anyway, moar drawrings coming.
Your friend;
Doug 209 Williams
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Neill, what up bro. When we getting beers? Maybe you don't drink.
Oh! We should go and get foot massages together. There's a surprising amount of foot massage shops around my area.
These are rando drawings from something I was going to pitch with a friend awhile ago. I was and am still pretty jazzed by it. It was cool. Probably never going to happen. Ever.
Oh wells. Hope all is well dude!
Doug "one out of a thousand" Williams
Friday, January 18, 2019
Flu Pig
Neill! Captain my captain, how goes it?
I keep seeing rumors about Oats Volume 2, and I keep seeing things being posted that could be in or attached to Robocop on Social. It's on social. Thousands see it. IT'S NOT STALKING. Anywho...
Here's Flu Pig. I was had a crazy dream about something like this. I was looking outside the windows into my (not really the house was different-but dreams give no fucks) front yard and this feller' was out there. It was creepy and floating in the cone of light under the street light like it was underwater...but not. The dream was sort of rad, but legit scary. I woke up and felt like I had the flu. That's why I named it flu pig.
I didn't have the flu though. I was just tired and didn't want to go to work.
I think I have the flu like at least three times a week now.
Hope shit is well!
Doug Hot Flashes Williams
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Neill, what up? This thing still on? Hello? Imma' gonna' pretend a person is still looking at this. Been awhile, right? Oats, a couple of hinted at movie projects and now Robocop! You've been a busy boy. I can only imagine how jazzed you must be. I have two simple requests. One; please no jet packs. Two; loose the toe.
I don't know why, but that toe on his foot always sort of bugged me. Maybe it it was actually articulated I'd be cool with it. Maybe this is the dumbest thing to complain about.
I always say I'm going to do more posts, but then life happens. Looks like I don't need my doubled up verification anymore though...so a little easier to pop on here. Lord knows I have plenty of arts.
Anywho, just popping on to say 'sup.
Douglas "mightsortofreturn" Williams.
Friday, April 6, 2018
Dude bro, whut is up? How have things been?
Me? Well, this are bonkers, but good. We're finally releasing Sate of Decay 2. This project has been an ordeal. Like a wild time. Excited to get it out, but those last few moments...nerve wracking. Here's a vid. There's a story around it, but I can't say it...because I'll probably get in trouble.
It makes me think, shit must have been nuts for you. How did you guys and gals make so much content so quick at Oats? What was your pipeline line? The same for each, or wildly different per short? Did you hire wizards? I hate wizards. They think they're so cool.
I realized that I had some time to sketch more...so I can space it out and have more than one post in the next few weeks. Get ready!
Dugless Fresh
Friday, December 8, 2017
Cutting Room Floor
Dude, Neill, how goes it? I'm fucking loving the ADAM shorts you guys are doing with UNITY. I dug Unity, it was a fun engine to work with. It's what we made Moonrise in. I'm still bummed about that project. I feel like it still has some potential. Although, I have lots of projects that had potential, and never even got started.
These images were from a fun action adventure co-op game. I like my landscapes bleak and desolate. It actually got all the way to be in front of publishers, but withered there.
I still think, maybe someday something will happen with this, so I won't dig too deep into what it was. The world was cool, neat set up. I love finding stories in game world, ways to make you and every other player the 'hero', but still be you. I find open story design challenging.
It's just fun world building. When you set the mission structure right, the gamer hopefully doesn't feel like they're bread-crumbing, but instead in charge of their own decision and character progression. Hopefully they find their own story in the crumbs you scattered on the floor. Shit like that is rad.
I can honestly say that out of a hundred or so of my game (or film, or story, or comic) pitches, only one was made. It did well. Made millions. Not me...but it made millions. I guess just keep pitching. I sure as shit am not going to stop. I have one game idea right now that features...well...maybe we wait a bit.
Long story longer, it makes me wonder what ideas of yours ended up in limbo, or in a 'someday' dreams folder. I'm guessing a chunk of Oats was born out of that, a place to at least partially realize those ideas. At any rate, I'm fucking loving them.
Keep on keeping on.
Doug "The Pitchlist" Williams
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
The Churn
Dude, yo...what is up? I just read this Rolling Stone article by Hideo Kojima. Which is crazy fucking cool that Hideo has reached that level of...uh...know-ability? Fuck, I don't know. I'm sure there's a word that sums that up.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Dude, Neill....I'm so sorry. It's been forever. I've been meaning to post, but life got busy. I know you look forward to each one of these blog posts, and I really dropped the ball. Now I've caused you to spend millions of dollars just to get my attention.
I'm talking about Oats Studios.
I imagine you came up with this plan for a studio that makes things catered almost specifically to me for more blog posts. Well, it worked. Here's the blog post, and I'm sure there will be more to come. I'm actually running out the door, but your teaser for Zygote made me finally sit and sign in to this dusty old blog.
Some sort of creepy mutant alien thing made of bodies in a sci-fi setting? Dude, you're better than this. It didn't have to be so transparent. You could have emailed, called or even started a blog yourself 'Hey Doug where have you gone', or 'Please post again Doug Williams'. So many different ways to reach out.
All this being said; Oats is fucking awesome. I've loved every short, and can't wait for more. So...it worked. You sly devil. It worked.
More to come! Also...maybe a tumblr...I need more boobs fro a tumblr though...
Doug "Always impressed" Williams
Friday, August 19, 2016
Old shit, but new shit...
Neill, whas up? I realized, I have a fuckton of art from a dead game I can post. It's not secret, people saw it, so should be good to go. Right? Right?
I'll start throwing some of this shit here from time to time. This was from a mobile game called Moonrise. I really loved working on it, and was digging the game. Never found the audience it needed to survive. Saddness.
But that's the shit right? So many things, disappear. Never release. I've worked on more things that have never come out that shit that's succeeded. I don't feel bad about it, always learning.
I'll be honest though, this one sort of sucked. Mainly because it was practically done. People played it, and enjoyed it. Shit this blog is supposed to be funny right?
Uh...here's an image of Sharlto loving on some soy chorizo.
Woo. barely pulled out of that nosedive.
More to come!
Douglas 'feeling nostalgic' Williams
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Neill, dude, sup?
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Cerulean Valley
Anywho, I have an idea for Guillermo. You know he made that flick Crimson Peak? Well, it had red ghosts. So like, for a sequel, why not make Cerulean Valley? It's totes different. Not a peak, but a valley. Also, not crimson, but cerulean. So blue ghosts in a valley. Fucking gold.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Big Frank
Neill. I know. It's been a long time. I know you sit by the computer, waiting and hoping for a new blog post. I know it. Every ding on your phone, every bloop on your iPad; hoping for me to continue my work. Continue my dream; our dream.
Well here it is.
Sup bro! Whatchyu' been up too? What secrets you got cooking? I wants dates and details!
Anywho, this is a quick photo-bash painted thing. I say this pic of that girl on Instagram and for some reason thought this would be cool. So I added some old school techy shit and a Frankenstein's monster thing. Yes, I know that by the time we can do this kind of shit it'll all be digital recording devices, and the VCR tracking shit might not fly, but it looks so fucking cool! And yes, I also know the Japanese doesn't match the chunky VCR type, but it looks like a model box from Japan and I dig that shit.
So it's an alternate timeline, somewhere in 'future eighties Japan' and this poor shy smart orphan girl is continuing her dead mothers work to re-start her dead fathers brain, but things go sideways. BOOM!
Anime is pretty easy to write.
Hope shit is real!
Your dear long lost friend;
Serial Experiments Douglas
Friday, December 11, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
I have some old arts that I'll start posting here, I realized I don't have to show new shit, just art. It's new to someone right?
Anywho, here's an older Mothra piece. Unsanctioned, never planned on by any studio. I fucking love Mothra, I honestly think there's legit potential there for a PG-13 sort of dark but still kind of family friendly flick. Like Willow.
So there's a bit when Mothra hatches, and isn't so much the mindless larvae that's destroying shit, when he takes off from Hong Kong to fight another kaiju beasty in Japan. So Mothra goes cruising past all the UN jets that were just firing on it as a larvae earlier, but it's so fucking fast that it leaves the jets behind. NO OF COURSE THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE, BUT IT'S A GIANT FUCKING MOTH. It's also a good dude now because of the twins.